Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Reasons Why You Should Consider Taking an RV Honeymoon

If you are a planning a honeymoon and need an affordable, adventurous and unique experience, then your best option may just be an RV trip. An RV honeymoon could possibly be a memorable journey that you need right after your marriage.

If you love hiking and spending time in nature, then there is all the more reason to go for an RV trip. Many couples are ditching the traditional honeymoon and taking an RV trip to enjoy the great outdoors by planning their romantic journey on their own.

Here are some great reasons why you should consider taking an RV honeymoon:

You Free to Go to Multiple places

With an RV honeymoon, you will not be stuck in just one romantic spot. You will be free to explore as many romantic places as you possibly know in the country and have a chance to explore them with your significant other.

It is a Unique Experience

A honeymoon trip to Hawaii or Europe is practically a cliché. They are expensive trips and most of the resorts are overpriced.  An RV honeymoon is a story that not many couples have to share, which is why it makes it unique too.

If you want your honeymoon to be one of its kind with some pretty great memories with your loved, then consider taking an RV honeymoon. It will also give you something to boasts in front of your friends.

Start your honeymoon immediately

An RV honeymoon is something that you can start immediately. You won't have to worry about booking flights, making reservations, getting visa and of course the painstaking task of going though airport security.

All you have to do with an RV honeymoon is pack your essentials and head off in any direction. This will prevent any delay in starting your honeymoon trip.

More Privacy

Hotels, resorts, public transportations can be very crowded and can prevent you from spending quality time with your partner. An RV trip however, is a different story.

On an RV trip, you and your partner will be doing lots of things together, like preparing meals and setting up camp, without the interference of anyone else. You could also take romantic walks and lie underneath the stars all by yourself.

Things to keep in mind when planning an RV honeymoon?

Remember it is your honeymoon, and may very well be your last. Therefore, it is imperative that you take all measures in order to ensure that it is as memorable as it possibly can be. Here are some things to keep in mind when planning the trip:


Make comfort your biggest priority. Ensure that you are carrying all the essentials for the meals you will be making on the trip.

Include pillows, blankets, pillows, camping chairs, camping table, tablecloth and any other thing that is important to you and your partner.


It is important to have some activities planned with your partner. This could include snorkeling, canoeing, hiking or mountain biking.

Choose activities that require a lot of collaboration as it will help you bond together.

We are a Texas based company, with an expansive inventory of new and used RVs for sale. Whether you want a motor home or a towable RV trailer, at RV Land, you will find them all. Explore our inventory.

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