Saturday, October 28, 2017

10 Reasons Why I Chose A Fifth Wheeler

Fifth Wheels for Sale in Texas
When camping, one of the most common questions we got to hear was ‘why did we choose a fifth wheeler?’
Rather than giving the same answers over and over again, we thought we’d put it down on paper, so to speak.
When buying our RV, we checked out many rigs before we decided to get the fifth wheeler. It has been 5 years now and we are pretty much happy with our decision. We’ve spoken to many RV enthusiasts and simply put it is more of a personal choice.
With these things in mind, here our 10 reasons why we picked the fifth wheeler:

1. Best Value For Money

We had a budget of $50k for the fifth wheeler. In that amount of money, we were able to buy a brand new fifth wheeler along with a diesel tow truck.
Insurance costs are far less for a truck and trailer as compared to two different powered vehicles. That’s more value for money.

2. More Room In Less Space

We didn’t really find any other RV with as much room as our fifth wheeler. Since the tallest person in our family is 6 feet, the high ceiling is also a plus.

3. A Single Drive Train To Maintain

When it comes to motor homes and RVs, the maintenance expenses are doubled. Naturally, we wanted something with the least maintenance. Therefore, we only have the truck drive train to maintain. A fifth wheeler requires no special maintenance.

4. Easier To Work On

As motor homes and RVs combine different electrical systems with drive trains and whatnot, they are complex. We find it much easier and simpler to work on fifth wheelers and upgrade them just how we want.

5. Ample Storage Space

Fifth wheelers have extra high storage; something that can never be found in motor homes.

6. We Prefer Trucks As Our Regular Vehicles

This is more of a personal choice. I always wanted to drive a larger vehicle like a truck. Smaller vehicles just aren’t built for the wear and abuse that comes with camping and hiking. This is also the case with motor homes.
RV Repair And Service TX

7. Large Water Storage

Our fifth wheeler has a 45-gallon freshwater storage and multiple sewage water storage tanks. They definitely come in handy on long camping trips.

8. Stable Towing

Due to the heavy weight and easy placement of hitches the fifth wheeler is quite stable. It doesn’t sway and can be readied up within seconds.

9. Easy To Back Out

With other motor homes and RVs, it is quite easy to back up damage the vehicle. The case isn’t the same with fifth wheelers. The instant backing up ability comes as a benefit particularly when refueling or quickly grabbing a campsite.

10. More Utility

The fifth wheeler can be dismounted at the campsite and the truck be used to run errands. We find this quite convenient compared to RVs and motor homes.

There you go! 10 reasons why a family preferred fifth wheelers over motor homes and RVs. What do you prefer? At RV Land, we have a wide variety of new and used fifth wheelers for sale in Texas. We also offer RV repair and service in TX. Get in touch with us at (888) 435-0789 for more information.

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