Friday, July 20, 2018

5 Quick and Easy Remodeling Tips for Your RV Trailers

In 2017, there were about 6.75 million RV trailer owners in the U.S. It is clearly a popular choice of purchase, and a wise one at that.

An affordable and enjoyable mode of travel, it quickly becomes your home away from home. So it is important you keep it neat and well maintained to be able to fully enjoy your time in it. Here are five tips that would help you remodel your mobile home with minimal hassle:


1. New vinyl flooring

Gone are the days of old carpet fabrics. In this day and age of do-it-yourself options, the sky is the limit for you to choose from. Vinyl, for instance, is an incredible option since it is quick and simple to apply, while being easy on the pocket as well.

Start by removing the existing carpet and then vacuum all the dust underneath it. Then, clean up the old vinyl using acetone. Once it dries, choose the new tile placement you like and start with one corner, working your way down.

2. Paint the surfaces

This is applicable for both the exterior as well as the interior of your RV trailer. You can pick and play with the colors as well as the designs you like.

Painting the exterior should be fairly simple, you can go with a neutral color to stay safe or go for the stripes found on many RV trailers. For the interiors, you can choose to paint or use wallpaper for the background walls. For a new and fresher look, paint surfaces such as tables.

Always make sure you clean all surfaces before you apply any paint on them.

3. Remodel your furniture

You can start by replacing a few bits and bobs here and there to give your cozy trailer a new and updated look. Also, changing the overall setting of the furniture would also have a great impact on the look of the area. You can also choose to paint some furniture and add some antique touches to give it an upgrade without breaking the bank.

4. Change your shower curtain

When it comes to remodeling the bathroom, the easiest place to start is with the shower curtain. Changing the one you have and getting a new color or pattern will help in making the bathroom look different and bring about the change you are looking for.

5. Upgrade lights and lighting fixtures

Outdated lighting is unlikely to match with your new wallpaper, paint or furniture. Also, older lights typically used inefficient bulbs that tend to have a dull effect on the area. You could opt to replace the bulbs to ones that provide more natural, brighter light or simply repaint the fixtures you already have and add a modern touch to your remodeling job.

You could also add wireless, battery powered lights in smaller areas to give a more visually pleasing look and add to the aesthetics.

An easier way to ensure regular maintenance of your trailer is by heading over to RV Land, an RV dealership in Texas that guarantees outstanding services and maintenance plans for your vehicle. They also have a great variety of new and used RVs for sale, in case you are looking to buy or upgrade yours.

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