Friday, June 2, 2017

RV Care: Handy Storage Tips

How you care for your RV when you are not using it will define how it performs when you are ready to hit the road, months later.
For most of us, RVs tend to be one of the most expensive investments of our lives. You’d hate to see anything happen to your RV while in storage; use these tips to cut down all the potential risks:

Double Check All Seals

Before putting it in storage, give your RV a good wash. Also consider waxing it to protect it from UV damage and to keep the dirt off.
More importantly, when washing, pay special attention to the roof and doors. Most of the damage will originate from here if the seals are worn out. Double check all seals and make sure they are intact.


When stored, keeping the RV clear of moisture is also another important concern. Even the slightest degree of moisture can often lead to mold growth and leave pungent smells in your vehicle. Perhaps one of the best ways to dry the RV interior is to leave the roof vents open. Consider installing vent covers that let air in and out but keep debris from making its way in.


Another way to prevent musty smells and mold during RV storage is to take the curtains off. This will help sunlight makes its way into the RV and dry out all moisture while eliminating any bacteria.

Slide Out Components

It is a good idea to roll back all slide out components. This helps keep all key mechanisms, rollers and seals safe from the elements, also cutting down chances of leaks. Also consider lubricating any moving metal parts and sealing them off with an anti-rust coating.

Rodents And Bugs

Pests are one of the most common reasons behind RV damage in storage. Make sure all external openings are blocked shut. Again, use a vent cover on the roof to prevent bugs and rodents from entering.


Remember, leaving your RV parked in the same spot for a longer period may lead to one of those blowouts you often hear RVers talk about. Before storage, inflate your tires at the appropriate pressure. Move your vehicle at least twice every three months to make the tires last longer.
There you have it; some handy RV storage tips for your RV! If you are looking for used fifth wheels or travel trailers in Texas, give us a call today!

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